
Eaves dropping room

  • Remote

  • Fixed solutions

 Counter Surveillance Equipment

  • Talan telephone and line analyser

  • Oscar Green

  • Orion non-linear junction evaluator

  • CPM 700 Deluxe


 Vehicle Solutions

  • Multi-Purpose Intelligence vehicle

  • Observation & Reconnaissance

  • Border Control vehicle

  • Mobile Cyber Forensics lab

  • Command, Control

  • Communication & Surveillance

  • Satellite Vehicle

  • CSI Lab

  • Tactical Vehicle

  • X-ray Vehicle

  • UAV Units Surveillance & Border patrol


Special Intelligence

  • Jamming briefcase

  • VIP briefcase

  • Observation briefcase

 Secure Communication

  • Multi-Channel Secure multi data

  • Command and Control software

Cronos Equipment

  • Software

  • Suits